Building Momentum: Made in Hamilton Infrastructure Solutions
This report assesses the long-term infrastructure requirements for the City of Hamilton, and suggests priorities for investment in infrastructure projects by identifying and analyzing existing and proposed community assets. The City of Hamilton has completed several planning exercises. Starting with a list of nearly 100 potential infrastructure projects suggested by Hamilton councillors, staff, and stakeholders, CUI researchers conducted an analysis to identify “foundational projects.”
A foundational project:
- is valuable in its own light
- stimulates productivity and economic competitiveness;
- offers a clear return on investment, building on the tax base;
- provides a platform for other projects (it is not a “one-off” or isolated asset);
- meets municipal priorities and provincial priorities (such as the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe);
- contributes to quality of place and quality of life.
Through consultation with Hamilton stakeholders, 25 foundational projects were identified. These consultations also drew out six
principles for infrastructure investment in the city: invest in the heart of the city strategically; ensure connectivity; work at all scales; leverage cultural and creative assets; focus on quality of place; and build on existing green assets.

Research Report
Prepared for the City of Hamilton with support from the Ontario Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure.
Research Team:
Glen Murray, President & CEO
Glenn R. Miller, Vice President, Education & Research
Brent Gilmour, Director, Urban Solutions
Daniel Nixey, Senior Associate, President of Danix Management Ltd.
Philippa Campsie, Senior Associate, Hammersmith Communications
Iain Myrans, Senior Planner, Education & Research
Christine Carr, Assistant Planner, Urban Solutions
Juan Carlos Molina, GIS Specialist, Urban Solutions
With contributions from:
Amanda Chen, Researcher, Canadian Urban Institute
Emanuel Nicolescu, Researcher, Canadian Urban Institute
Ewa Rajchert, Researcher, Canadian Urban Institute