Right to Home
COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerabilities in Canada’s housing and shelter systems.
As we rebuild our urban futures, we cannot risk going back to the way things were—our systems are on the brink of collapse. But they are also on the cusp of transformative change.
CUI, The Shift, and 14 coast-to-coast partners hosted week of virtual film screenings and live panel discussions from coast to coast about what’s working, what’s not, and what’s next, as we (re)imagine the right to home.

Presented by the Canadian Urban Institute and The Shift in partnership with the Aboriginal Housing and Mortgage Association, Architecture & Design Film Festival, BC Non-Profit Housing Association, Big Wheel Community Foundation & Big Wheel Burger, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, Canadian Housing & Renewal Association, Canadian Human Rights Commission, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation, City of Victoria, Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada, Maytree, and UDI Victoria.