COVID Signpost: 365 Days
To mark the one-year anniversary of the WHO’s declaration of the global pandemic the Canadian Urban Institute has released a seminal report that shares new findings drawn from the opinions of 180,000 Canadians about how COVID-19 hit Canada’s largest cities, and how people felt throughout a year unlike any other.
Throughout the pandemic, resilience and leadership came from the ground up. From individual neighbours, to community organizations, to staff working in local government, ground-level innovation helped people solve problems caused by distancing and isolation, lockdowns and restrictions. COVID Signpost 365 highlights examples of community leadership that emerged across the country, and reveals how Canada’s largest cities banded together to tackle their most pressing problems.
The Canadian Urban Institute has marked every 100 days since the pandemic was declared March 11, 2020 with the release of stories and data that captured unprecedented events. COVID Signpost 365 brings this chapter of reporting to a close and takes up the conversation about how we embrace what’s happened at the local level, and how we can empower and help our cities build back better in the days ahead.

Research Report