Victoria Nurtures
Our CUI x Local series shines a spotlight on community-driven responses to some of the most pressing challenges in Canada’s large urban regions. In collaboration with local leaders, we’re on a cross-Canada listening tour to seek out the very best ideas that can inform community building, shape policy and be adapted by city builders across the country. What we’re hearing and seeing are solutions that demonstrate creative, sometimes risky, inspiring approaches that haven’t received enough national attention — yet.
In this spirit, Victoria Nurtures reports on what people involved in the arts, social services, economic development, neighbourhoods, urban planning and other sectors told us is working, what’s not working and what’s next. Through meetings with a diverse cross-section of Victoria leaders, we learned about the experiences and perspectives of the city’s diverse populations. We listened to the unique conditions that are driving amazing “made-in-Victoria” solutions to the city’s challenges; and we called for local perspectives on Victoria’s future as an inclusive, sustainable and vibrant city that builds on its assets and potential. Victoria Nurtures introduces city builders to the people, place and potential of this city. The information gathered reflects some of the best examples Victoria can offer to Canadians who are seeking inspiration and new ways of doing things to improve the quality of life in our cities.

Research Report