CUI x Victoria: Vital Conversations for Our Shared Future


CUI x Victoria was an inspiring, engaging, inclusive series of events that generated possibility and excitement about our shared future.
CUI x Victoria created an opportunity for diverse sectors of Greater Victoria’s community to come together and grapple with community challenges and opportunities, and generate actions that can be undertaken at many scales at once, from classrooms to neighbourhoods, from dinner tables to council tables.

About CUI x Local

Through CUIxLocal, CUI is connecting with cities across Canada to gather interpretations, data, assessments, priorities, bright spots, and stories from on-the-ground voices to help deepen our collective understanding of the interconnected and interdependent issues facing urban Canada.

From October 18-20, 2021, we were in Victoria, British Columbia, and met with a cross-section of individuals and organizations on challenges the city is facing, and how they’re responding to them.

Click here for the full program schedule

Watch the Sessions!



CUI is co-hosting this event with the City of Victoria, and the Victoria Foundation.


For more information

Nick Hanson
Communications Leads