CUI is Canada’s
Urban Institute.
We are the national platform that houses the best in Canadian city building — where policymakers, urban professionals, civic and business leaders, community activists and academics can learn, share and collaborate with one another from coast to coast to coast.

What We Do
By creating programs, forums and initiatives that link city builders to the most effective solutions and ideas from across Canada.
By developing powerful research and tools for action that promote effective policies and best practices in urban development.
By telling stories that reflect Canada’s diverse urban reality and that support bold policy leadership, public and private investment and on-the-ground decision-making.
Our Partners
All of our work is made possible by partners and funders across Canada. Together, we are building connective tissue across the country to connect and amplify the diverse voices of urban Canada, in service of our shared value that urbanism is for everyone, and urbanism must include everyone.
Donors & Program Funders
Maytree, The TD Ready Commitment, McConnell Foundation, Business Improvement Areas, Districts and Zones across Canada, Economic development organizations across Canada, Vancity, and Vancity Community Investment Bank
880 Cities / Aboriginal Housing and Mortgage Association / Advanis / Apolitical / Architecture & Design Film Festival / BC Non-Profit Housing Association / The Bentway / Big Wheel Community Foundation / Black Business and Professional Association / Black Health Alliance / Bloor-Yorkville BIA / Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation / Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council / Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness / Canadian Business Resilience Network / Canadian CED Network / Canadian Chamber of Commerce / Canadian Federation of Independent Business / Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce / Canadian Housing and Renewal Association / Canadian Human Rights Commission / Canadian Institute of Planners / Canadian Municipal Barometer / Canadian Observatory on Homelessness / Canadian Society of Landscape Architects / Canadian Urban Sustainability Practitioners / Community Foundations of Canada / Centre for Equality Rights in Accommodation / The City Institute at York University / City of Brampton / City of Calgary / City of Edmonton / City of Halifax / City of Montreal / City of Ottawa / City of Toronto / City of Vancouver / City of Victoria / Community Foundations of Canada / Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada / Council for Canadian Urbanism / Develop Nova Scotia / Downtown Halifax / Downtown Yonge BIA / Federation of Canadian Municipalities / First Policy Response / Global Resilient Cities Network / Goethe-Institut / Halifax Partnership / Ian O. Ihnatowycz Institute for Leadership / ICLEI Canada / ICOMOS Canada / Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) / Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance / Institute of Public Administration of Canada / International Downtown Association Canada / Jay Pitter Placemaking / LOCO BC / MaRS Discovery District / Maximum City / Maytree / McConnell Foundation / Municipal World / National Association of Friendship Centres / National Preservation Council / National Trust for Canada / Network for the Advancement of Black Communities / Ontario Business Improvement Area Association / Ontario Chamber of Commerce / OCAD University / Park People / Public Sector Digest / Regina Downtown BID / Retail Council of Canada / Royal Architecture Institute of Canada / Rues principales / Ryerson University City Building Institute / Sali Tabacchi / Save Canadian Small Business / Simon Fraser University Centre for Dialogue / The Shift / Smart Prosperity Institute / St. Lawrence Market BIA / STEPS / StrategyCorp / Taiji Brand Group / Tamarack / TD Ready Commitment / The Waterfront BIA / Toronto Entertainment District BIA / Toronto Financial District BIA / Trinity Centres Foundation / UDI Victoria / Urban Land Institute / University of Calgary School of Public Policy / University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute / University of Toronto School of Cities / University of Western Ontario Local Government Program / University of Windsor Centre for Cities / Vancity / Vancity Community Investment Bank / Vivre en Ville / Why Not Theatre / WSP / Youthful Cities / and many more…